Er, so the Lib Dems just voted for Trident.

That’s it, really.


  1. National Liberals, clearly.

  2. Power corrupts, and the appearance of power corrupts – apparently.

    I’ll be checking up on my (Labour) MP in the morning…

  3. I missed the vote. Could you Tweet the result please Eric.

  4. I can tell that you’re enjoying this, Eric! I sense a real enthusiasm for opposition amongst Labour politicians, who can just sit back, put their feet up and point and laugh for the next 5 years.

    I wonder how the electrate will view such blase irresponsibility. Time will tell, I guess.

    • Not me Carol. And if you watch Labour over the next few months you’ll see it’s anything but. The Lib Dems have held Trident as a non-negotiable moral symbol until, it seems, it actually became time to negotiate it away. And they argued against Tory cuts, until they got put in charge of those very cuts. You’re right about time telling.

  5. […] Thanks to Eric Joyce. […]

  6. Carol? Who is this Carol person?:-)

    I still say a Tory Government with Lib Dems in is going to be a lot more humane and compassionate and understanding of the realities of life for the poorest and most vulnerable than the Tories would be on their own.

    My view on cuts is that if they’ve got to come, bring them in gradually otherwise yu end p with this year’s and next year’s all in one go.

    Re Trident, just say that we’d managed to put together a coalition with Labour. We’d still have had that vote on Tuesday night and we’d have been expected to follow Labour into the voting lobbies on the same issue. What would you have been saying then? I have a feeling you wouldn’t have been quite as judgemental about it.

    • Carol, I’d have been saying the same thing I’ve been saying for some time now. Excluding Trident from the Defence Review is ridiculous and maybe even as immoral as the Lib Dems have been saying until they got government jobs. šŸ™‚

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